12 European Capitals You Need to Visit

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After having spent a total of just over 5 months in Europe in the past year and a half, I often get asked about my favorites there: my favorite country, my favorite experience, my favorite food, etc. It's always really difficult to pinpoint these; Europe is SO diverse and every country is so different that it is often impossible to make fair comparisons.

Even the question of my favorite European capital is one I can't give a straight answer to. There are simply too many amazing cities in Europe.

So, instead of telling you about my favorite European capital, I'm going to tell you about my top 12 capital cities in Europe (so far).

My 12 favorite European capitals

12. DUBLIN, Ireland

Temple Bar, Dublin

I've been to Dublin multiple times, and am more and more charmed by the Irish capital each time I visit. (Which is saying something, since it's rained on most of my visits.) As far as European capital cities go, Dublin isn't necessarily the most beautiful, but it IS really fun.

Things I love about Dublin:

    • The pub culture — even though I don't drink, I do love me some live Irish music in an Irish pub
    • The people — Irish people are friendly and awesome
    • The color — like the colorful pubs and colorful Georgian doors that give the city character

Posts to read about Dublin:

11. PARIS, France

Paris from Montparnasse Tower

Paris is one of those cities that most girls (in America, at least) daydream about. In our minds, it just oozes with style and romance. And, in reality, Paris is indeed a beautiful capital city. Seeing all the famous sights like the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame were a highlight of the beginning of my second trip to Europe, and it's definitely a city I plan to visit again (hopefully next time with a special someone in tow).

Things I love about Paris:

    • The architecture — it's beautiful and memorable
    • The neighborhoods — with artsy Montmartre probably being my favorite
    • The romance — there's a reason why Paris is nicknamed the “City of Love;” it IS quite a romantic place

Posts to read about Paris:

10. OSLO, Norway

Oslo, Norway

I feel like Norway's capital often gets overlooked for other parts of the country like Bergen and the fjords – but you know what? Oslo is totally cool! If you're planning a trip to Norway, be sure to allow at least a couple of days for Oslo.

Things I love about Oslo:

    • The waterfront — Which not only has nice views, but is also dotted with a mix of both old and new architecture
    • The museums — Oslo has some very cool and unique museums, including ones dedicated to Viking ships, folk traditions, and artist Edvard Munch
    • The parks — Oslo has lots of green spaces, with my favorite being the sculpture-filled Vigeland Park

Posts to read about Oslo:

9. ROME, Italy

Pantheon in Rome

Similarly to Paris, Rome is a city that most people place high up on their bucket lists. I've now been to Rome twice, and it definitely deserves a spot on this list simply because it is so grand and iconic. It's a big city as far as European capitals go, but don't let its size overwhelm you – the history and architecture in Rome is hard to beat!

Things I love about Rome:

    • The history — and the fact that things like the Roman Forum and Colosseum exist right alongside more modern architecture
    • The piazzas — with lively Piazza Navona being my favorite
    • The Vatican — it's not technically “in” Rome since it's a sovereign state, but I love St. Peter's Basilica to pieces

Posts to read about Rome:

8. WARSAW, Poland

Warsaw Old Town

This one might come as a surprise to some people, but I actually really enjoyed my time spent in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. It's not overrun with tourists, yet is an extremely interesting city. I learned about the Warsaw Uprising, enjoyed wandering around the Old Town, and explored green spaces that ranged from parks to cemeteries.

Things I love about Warsaw:

    • The history — did you know that nearly the whole city was destroyed after an uprising during WWII?
    • The architecture — which is a mix of old and new (in looks, at least), reflecting how Warsaw is evolving
    • The food — yes, the food! so many pierogi were consumed, and so many milk bars (home to cheap, traditional Polish food) were frequented

Posts to read about Warsaw:

7. BERLIN, Germany

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

I'm not ashamed to admit it: I fell in love with Berlin. You could actually say that it was love at first sight, as I felt an immediate connection with Berlin from the moment I arrived. I don't know if it's the alternative culture, the history, or a mixture of the two that draws me to Berlin. But there's no denying that it's a place I can see myself spending a lot of time in in the future.

Things I love about Berlin:

    • The history — from Nazis during WWII to the Berlin Wall during the Cold War, Berlin has a fascinating (and very recent) history
    • The creative side — because I have a soft spot for hipsters and street art
    • The vibe — it's a little gritty and a little alternative, but Berlin evolving in a way that I find exciting

Posts to read about Berlin:

6. RIGA, Latvia

Riga Old Town from St. Peter's Church bell tower

The Baltic countries are ones that you don't often hear much about (at least in comparison to the rest of the countries in Western Europe). But these historic countries all have really cool capital cities. And, so far, my favorite is Riga, the capital of Latvia.

Things I love about Riga:

    • The Old Town — With its cobbled streets and beautiful architecture, I could spend days just wandering around this part of Riga
    • The parks — Riga has lots of green spaces, with my favorite being Bastejkalna Park (Bastion Hill), which has a canal running through it
    • The New Town — The more modern part of Riga is just as cool; be sure to check out the art nouveau section

Posts to read about Riga:

5. BUDAPEST, Hungary

The Danube in Budapest

The capital of Hungary was a bit of a surprise for me — I never expected to like it as much as I did. But, whether it was strolling along the Danube, visiting a ruin bar, or soaking at the Szechenyi Baths, I found myself loving everything about Budapest. In fact, after visiting Budapest for a second time, it rose even higher on my list of favorite European capitals.

Things I love about Budapest:

    • The two halves of the city — the Buda and Pest sides of the city have completely different feels to them
    • The bridges — which are attractive and offer up nice views of the Danube
    • The buildings — from Parliament to Fisherman's Bastion to Buda Castle, there's plenty of eye candy here

Posts to read about Budapest:

4. REYKJAVIK, Iceland

Snowy Reykjavik

Even though many people seem to forget about it since it sits all alone up in the north Atlantic, Iceland is, in fact, part of Europe. And its capital is one of my favorites. Reykjavik reminds me a lot of Wellington, the capital of New Zealand — it's small, sits on a harbor, and is absolutely stunning on the rare sunny days that it sees. Iceland's capital is also a great jumping-off point for day trips around the western part of the country.

Things I love about Reykjavik:

    • The colors — perhaps to brighten up those cloudy, foggy, and snowy days
    • The variety — there's a little bit of everything here, from weird architecture to seafood restaurants to even a penis museum
    • The ease — easy to get to from the U.S. East coast or Europe; easy to navigate (even on foot); and easy to enjoy since the locals are nice and fellow tourists are usually outgoing and adventurous

Posts to read about Reykjavik:

3. LJUBLJANA, Slovenia

Ljubljana, Slovenia

If you haven't been to Slovenia yet, what the hell are you waiting for?? Seriously, though, this little country tucked between Italy, Austria, and Croatia is probably one of my favorites in Europe — as is its capital. Filled with bridges, pretty buildings, and laid-back people, I find myself often dreaming of Ljubljana.

Things I love about Ljubljana:

    • The architecture — from colorful buildings to the Dragon Bridge, it's a very photogenic place
    • The friendliness — bike friendly, tourist friendly, you name it
    • The cafe culture — because there is nothing better than sipping a drink alongside the Ljubljanica River

Posts to read about Ljubljana:

2. EDINBURGH, Scotland

Victoria Street in Edinburgh, Scotland

The Scottish capital is one city that I probably will never tire of visiting. It's not a large European capital like the others listed here, but it still has a unique character all its own. Whether it's roaming around the Old Town or climbing up to quieter parts like Calton Hill, Edinburgh is always enjoyable — even in that moody Scottish weather.

Things I love about Edinburgh:

    • The architecture — with the gorgeous Victoria Street (pictured above) being my favorite example
    • The history — the entire city is recognized by UNESCO, which tells you something
    • The festivals — whether its the Fringe or Hogmanay, Edinburgh knows how to put on a festival and fill the Royal Mile

Posts to read about Edinburgh:

1. LONDON, England


Lastly (and this should be no surprise to people who know me) is London– my favorite capital in Europe if you're going to make me choose one. Out of all the cities in Europe, I've spent the most time in London in the past couple of years. And I am absolutely head over heels for it. If I could magically get a work visa and a job offer in London, I would move there tomorrow; maybe even tonight, that's how much I love it. I never used to picture myself living in a huge city — until I went to London for the first time, that is. Now, it's become my dream destination to spend some extended time in.

Things I love about London:

    • The variety — neighborhoods, food, museums, parks, historical sites; they're all here
    • The location — London is situated perfectly to explore the rest of Europe, which this traveler loves
    • The Englishness — the Tube, the Royal Family, the black cabs, the pubs, the tea… it's all just so English! and so lovely
    • How I feel there — London somehow makes me feel at home, even though it's worlds away from where I grew up

Posts to read about London:

London Eye

So there you have it — my 10 favorite European capitals. I'm sure this list won't match up to lists others might make (I can already hear your incredulous exclamations that places like Prague aren't on this list), but that's what's so great about travel — every traveler connects with each destination differently.

Tell me, which capitals are YOUR favorites in Europe?


Best capital cities in Europe



"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to." - JRR Tolkien

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66 Comments on “12 European Capitals You Need to Visit

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  1. The variety of life in London is certainly addictive! Glad you enjoyed it.

    London, Paris, Madrid & Lisbon are probably my all-time favorites although there are plenty I’ve not been to that I’m sure I would be wowed by. For me, the things that make me fall in love with a capital city are its public transportation system, photogenic appeal, and an incredible array of history!

      Those are all great reasons to love a city! I think you might like Berlin, too, if you haven’t been there, based on the things you like in cities!

    I love London, too. I felt at home there. You feel safe there and like you can get around with no problem because their transportation system is so great. I love the museums, too, and their parks. Just everything about it. We also went when it was a perfectly beautiful two weeks. Hardly any rain.

      Being in London when the weather is good most certainly helps you fall in love with it. 😉 But yes, I love everything about it. And, as much as Londoners complain about the Tube and buses and all that, they really have it good. We don’t have ANY public transport where I’m from!

    Yeah, even I wondered why Prague is not your list, but I agree, every traveler has a different perspective. I am glad you chose London as your topmost European city. It is my dream destination. 🙂

      Prague IS gorgeous. But other than looking at pretty buildings, I didn’t find a whole lot else to do in Prague. I will definitely give it another try some other time though!

    I love everyone’s favorite Europe lists. I think it so interesting to see how each person’s list differs based on tastes and experiences. Budapest, Dublin and Berlin are three of my favorites on your list. I’m giving Paris another shot next year (liked it didn’t love it first time around). London and Edinburgh are on my top places to visit! I cannot believe I haven’t been there yet. You have been to some great European capitals!

      I definitely recommend both London and Edinburgh – both great UK cities! And yes, I like reading these sorts of lists, too. Everyone always has a slightly different opinion!

    Great list! I’ve only been to three of these but I have to agree with you on those! I’m really dying to get to Slovenia and visit Ljubjana!

      Slovenia is general should be at the top of your travel list!

    My favourite would be Dublin, simply because it was my home for a while. I grew up there, I think, and I like who I was while there.

    Otherwise, Stockholm. Oh, I cannot get enough of Stockholm. If it weren’t so expensive I would move there.

      I haven’t been anywhere in Scandinavia yet because of that expense. But I definitely want to check it out someday!

      And as for feeling like you grew up in Dublin… I feel the same way about Wellington, NZ. I think it’s one of the reasons why it’s one of my favorite cities in the world.

    Yes yes yes! I love your pictures of Reykjavik, by the way. I went in September a couple of years ago and there was no snow, which actually made the city seem greyer – the colourful houses were less obvious and the grey/brown hills surrounding the city made everything seem a bit dull. I’d have to add to this list Madrid, Lisbon, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Vienna.

      The snow in Reykjavik was definitely pretty!

      I haven’t been to any of the cities you said you would add (except for Vienna, but I was only there for a night so I don’t count it), but I have a feeling I will love Lisbon when I eventually make it there.

    Ah, I have so many places I need to go! I wasn´t particulary taken by London….but I think I need to give it another chance! I´m going to Budapest over the Christmas holidays, and can´t wait for that. As for Slovenia…..looks like I really need to add that to my (already long) list 🙂

      Ooo Budapest for the holidays should be lovely! I hope you enjoy it!

      And as for Slovenia… YES! GO THERE! The whole country is beautiful. I also highly recommend Lake Bled and Triglav National Park. 🙂

    Ooh, so tough! I want to add some, but then I wouldn’t know what to take out… I’d probably substitute Reykjavik (haven’t been there) for Sarajevo, Warsaw (same) for Amsterdam and maybe Dublin for Tallinn. I do agree with you about Prague 🙂

      I really need to get to more capitals in the Balkans like Sarajevo. And the Baltics too, for that matter!

    I must admit I would’ve put Prague on this list but like you say, every traveller has a different experience of a city ( dependant upon the weather, who you’re with/who you meet, where you stay, the food, what you find aesthetically pleasing, and how sights and activities within the city match up to your own likes/dislikes…I could go on!) I would agree with Ljubliana and Budapest though, another two of my favourites, and although I’ve not been to Warsaw, I loved Krakov. The only others I may add are Dubrovnik, Bratislava, and (may be cheating as only half of it is in Europe) Istanbul 🙂

      I have a feeling lots of people would put Prague on this list. I LIKE Prague. But I don’t love it.

      I considered adding Istanbul! I really enjoyed my time there last year. But, like you said, it’s only half in Europe, so would that be cheating? Haha.

    I’m really glad Warsaw made it to that list (and I’m surprised that Prague didn’t;)) It means I did I good job telling you about the place and showing you around 🙂 I’m more than happy that I made you like Poland so much 🙂 you’re welcome to come back anytime!

      You did an amazing job selling me on Warsaw (and Poland), Kami! I can’t thank you enough! Prague probably could have been tied with Paris on this list, as I DID find it to be a beautiful city. But I just didn’t connect with it like some of these other places. Perhaps I need to explore Prague with you, too! 😉

    I spent almost all of my adult life (so far!) in London. I love it but being Scottish I’m happy to see Edinburgh on your list too. You can’t get much cooler than a castle right in the centre of town, overlooking the main street.

      Of course, Edinburgh is a great city! And Scotland is one of my favorite countries in Europe. 🙂

    London is my top favorite city (well, for now hehe). I love the variation and the rich history 😀

      It’s such an awesome city, isn’t it?? Glad to know another big fan of London!

    Europe is something that I want to do!Greece, Rome, Vienna come to my mind instantaneously. A delightful post this, Amanda 🙂

      so think that when it comes to Europe a top 10 list is really not enough. I would do a top20 and add these cities : Dubrovnik, Amsterdam, Dublin, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Moscow, Athens, Lisbon, Madrid and of course Prague ??

        You could probably take it further and list all the capitals! But this one is about my personal favorites, and I actually don’t *love* every capital city in Europe! (And Dublin is actually on this one!)

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