Why I DIDN’T Quit My Job to Travel
You all know the story: cubicle-dweller dreams of travel, saves up money, and eventually waves adios to desk job and embarks upon a global...
9 Signs That You Are NOT a Hiker
When I was a little kid, I used to be ALL about the outdoors. We're talking tree forts in the woods, swimming in mucky...
9 Reasons You Should Never Travel the World
You hear a lot about traveling – about how awesome it is, usually. About how travel has opened people's eyes and changed their lives....
Am I a Lame Traveler? (Or Why You Should Never Let Anyone Tell You Where You Should or Shouldn’t Travel)
Travelers (and travel bloggers), I've learned, can be a pretty judge-y bunch sometimes. Think about it. When you meet a new traveler on the...
6 Times When It’s NOT OK to Take a Travel Selfie
In the age of Facebook and Twitter and the ubiquitous selfie, when we all feel the need to make our lives look more exciting by...
When Their Dream is Not Your Dream
It was my last semester of graduate school, and I was sitting in on what was supposed to be a motivational seminar about working...
5 Reasons Solo Travel Sucks
Okay, so I know that I occasionally publish posts on my blog about how awesome it is to travel solo. And it's true that...
A Tundra Education
I used to like to joke that I came from the Tundra. For undergraduate school, I attended a small, private university in northwest Ohio...
Why Traveling as a Female Rocks (and Why it Sucks)
Today, March 8, is International Women's Day. It is, quite literally, a day to celebrate being a women. I've already received a few Facebook...
5 Ways Travel Has Made Me More Adventurous
There are many reasons that people choose to travel. To explore new places, meet new people, try new foods… The exact motivations may be...
Dear Dad: Please Don’t Worry (A Treatise on Solo Female Travel)
Dear Dad, I know you've probably heard the news. You've probably read this story and this story and maybe even this story about the...
26 Things Travel Has Taught Me
Today is my 26th birthday. Today, I leave my “early 20s” and cross over into my “late 20s.” It's weird, in a way, because...
And Then Everything Changed: Do I Love Long-Term Travel?
I got mixed reactions when I told my friends and family that I was going to Europe on my own for 2 months. Reactions...
Meet Giannina
Meet Giannina. She is 34 years old and a native of Lima, Peru. She is one of six children, and was named after one...
Don’t Be a Scaredy Cat – Just Travel
People make all sorts of excuses for why they can't travel — they don't have the time, they don't have the money, they don't...
The Traveler vs. Tourist Debate and Why I Don’t Give a Crap
“I am not a tourist.” This is the tagline for a tour company's latest campaign, where they are trying to inspire people to begin...
You Can Live a “Normal” Life and Travel, Too
I'm not a professional traveler. I do not make a living from taking trips around the world. For a long time, I was not...