DOs and DON’Ts for Your First US Road Trip

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I think just about every American teenager (and probably plenty from abroad, as well) has dreamt about driving across the country in an epic Great American Road Trip. There's something just so inherently “cool” about the idea of tearing down a highway in the middle of nowhere, windows down, and music blasting as the miles slip by.

Plus, the U.S. is a really big place; there's a hell of a lot to see. And even though I've lived here my whole life, 30+ years in Ohio really isn’t the best representation of everything that America has to offer. From deserts to mountains to incredibly flat plains, “the rest” of the country is so diverse that a road trip always seemed like the ideal way to get to know it better.

RELATED: 25 Awesome Photos of the United States

So, in the summer of 2011, my sister and I finally made the dream a reality, packing up a car and hitting the road in what would become a 6,500-mile journey from Ohio to Las Vegas and back again.

Along with seeing and experiencing a ton of what the U.S. has to offer, we also learned a lot along the way about road tripping.

Since that trip, I've been on several more road trips in the United States, covering everything from the Southwest to the Pacific Northwest to the Old South. Each one has been unique in its own way, but the things I learned on that first trip with my sister still remain true today.

If you’re considering your own Great American Road Trip in the future, here are some of the DOs and DON’Ts I've picked up over the years.

Planning a road trip for summer 2020? If so, please check out this post with some tips specific to road tripping during the pandemic: Can You Safely Plan a US Road Trip this Summer?

Tips for planning a USA road trip

The average road trip dream probably consists of just throwing a few things into the trunk of a car and hitting the road. But the reality is that a good deal of planning is necessary if you want to have a successful, stress-free journey.

1. DO have a rough itinerary

You don't necessarily have to plot out anything strict or rigid if you don't want to, but having a rough itinerary of some sort will definitely help. You should have a good idea of what you’d like to do/see along the way, along with what stops you’d like to make.

Not only will this help you budget accordingly, but it will also help you figure out how much time you’ll need. People sometimes forget how big the US really is, and misjudge how long it will take them to travel from Point A to Point B.

On every US road trip I've taken, I usually decide which city I'll spend each night in, but then leave most of the days relatively open.

RELATED: Road Trip '11: My 10 Favorite Road Trip Stops

2. DON'T get too caught up in said itinerary

Plan too much, and you won't be able to make detours or stop randomly at roadside attractions, parks, or Native American-themed souvenir shops that you see advertised on the side of the highway along the way.

Whatever itinerary you come up with before your road trip, be sure to factor in some flexibility to allow for spontaneity, too.

Santa Claus, Indiana
We had planned to drive through Indiana, but never planned on make a stop in Santa Claus!

3. DON'T wait until the last minute to do your research

For those who hate planning, listen up: Doing a bit of homework before you leave is essential whether you like it or not – especially if you’re going to be road tripping in the summer months. During the summer, many popular national parks and attractions are very busy and crowded, and you may need to book things ahead of time.

For example, if you want to camp or stay at a lodge at the Grand Canyon’s South Rim, you’ll have to make bookings months in advance. Similarly, if you’re traveling in the winter, it will be useful to know which roads through the Rockies usually close due to snow.

RELATED: Yes, You Can Visit the Grand Canyon in Winter

4. DO invest in maps

I’m not just talking about a Google Maps app on your iPhone – I’m talking about physical, fold-out maps. Old school.

Even though cell coverage is generally good within the US, you may still find yourself at times in areas where you won’t get signal at all. In these instances, having real maps on hand is smart. I've purchased several Rand McNally Road Atlases in the past, and they are always fantastic to have in the passenger seat, just in case

5. DO plan to stop at quirky roadside attractions

When you’re roadtripping across America, it's okay to be a tourist. In fact, I’d say it should be encouraged! Especially if you’ll be driving along old Route 66 at some point, there will be no shortage of quirky roadside attractions on offer. These are often what makes the journey fun. My sister and I especially loved the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas, on our first road trip.

Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas
The Cadillac Ranch, where vandalism is encouraged!

6. DON'T drive during rush-hour if you can help it

Especially when you're arriving in/leaving major cities, do your best to avoid rush-hour traffic at all costs. Not only will it increase your drive time exponentially, but it will likely cause you some unnecessary stress and frustration, too.

My sister and I made the mistake of leaving Chicago during rush hour, and subsequently spent nearly 2 hours traversing less than 30 miles on I-90.

7. DO visit national parks.

The U.S. national park system is fantastic, and has worked for decades to preserve some of the best and most unique landscapes America has to offer.

Yes, places like the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Zion National Park are often crowded, but they are popular for a very, very good reason. If you’re worried about crowds at some of these sites, plan to go early in the morning or late in the evening, or research some alternatives (for example, only 10% of visitors go to the secluded North Rim of the Grand Canyon).

RELATED: The Mighty 5: A Guide to Utah’s Stunning National Parks

8. DON'T travel with someone you can't stand to be with 24/7

There's no escape when you're in a car together for days or weeks on end, so make sure your travel buddy is one you can get along with. Bonus points if you share a similar taste in music and can make small-talk easily.

Thank goodness my sister and I have a similar sense of humor.

Tips for budgeting for a US road trip

Budgeting goes hand-in-hand with planning, really, but I figured it warranted its own section here, as the budget is probably the most important part of any road trip.

1. DO research basic costs before you leave

You'll know some of your costs upfront – for instance, if you're renting a car, or pre-booking all your accommodation. It's also fairly easy to estimate gas costs, and look up prices for hotels, motels, campsites, etc. in advance.

2. DO plan to spend more than you budgeted

I won’t lie to you: the USA is definitely not a cheap place to travel. While it IS usually cheaper to travel via car than plane in America, road tripping can go against this grain, since gas, food, and accommodation can all be expensive.

Set a budget for yourself, and then bring a little extra. My sister and I decided we would each leave Ohio with $1,500 (a total of $3,000 between us for our 3-week trip), but I made sure to bring about $500 extra, and we did end up tapping into that near the end of our trip. Even if personal finance isn't your thing, work out a budget – and then add to it.

3. DO decide beforehand how you will divide up costs

If you're traveling with friends, agree on money matters before you leave. Will you take turns paying for gas? Will you just pool all your money together and pay for everything out of that? How will you split meals? Figuring all of this out before you leave will save you headaches on the road.

4. DON'T be too cheap

Even though you don’t want to go crazy, don’t skip out on great experiences just because of a price tag. Life is too short for that. After all, you may never get the chance to visit some of these places again.

If you want to go whitewater rafting in Colorado, on a hot air balloon ride in Monument Valley, or to every museum you pass, do it. I’m sure your roadtripping dreams never included ending your adventure with regrets.

White Water Rafting
Worth. Every. Penny.

5. DO buy a National Parks Pass

If you plan to visit a lot of America’s national parks on your trip, definitely pick up a National Parks Pass. This pass costs $80, and then is good for a carload of people for a whole year. You can visit as many national parks as you want in that year without paying the entrance fees.

$80 may seem like a lot, but when you realize that many popular parks charge as much as $25-$35 per car to enter, it can all add up quickly.

6. DO sign up for AAA

If you’re an American, signing up for AAA may be a good idea. Not only will this auto club come to your rescue if you break down or get a flat, but being a AAA member can also score you discounts on everything from hotels to restaurants.

(And if you're not US-based, make sure you come prepped with travel insurance!)

Tips for finding Accommodation on a US road trip

Speaking of hotels, here are some tips on finding accommodation on the road.

1. DO consider alternatives to pricey hotels

While the U.S. is not as hostel-friendly as Europe and Australia, there are still plenty of budget-friendly accommodation options to be found here. The cheapest would be to bring a tent with you and plan to camp along the way (and pick up this guide to affordable campsites). However, you can’t simply pitch a tent on the side of any road in most U.S. states – you still have to pay for campsites.

Another alternative is to consider motels and budget hotels, which is what my sister and I did on that trip back in 2011. We tried to stick to the Choice Hotels brand as much as possible, and paid about $80 per night on average for a decent place to stay (which is about $40 per person per night, which really isn’t much more than you’d pay at a hostel here in the US). You can also check out apartment rental sites like Airbnb, which are increasingly popular options.

Keystone, Colorado
The nicest place we stayed? This condo in Keystone, Colorado.

2. DON’T assume you can just drive into town and find a room.

This goes along with the “don’t wait until the last minute” tip in the planning section. While most cities you’ll visit will be large enough to have vacancies on any given night, others will not.

If you’re planning to visit a small city that’s a big tourist hot-spot at the time of year you’ll be visiting, definitely book ahead. My sister and I made the mistake of waiting too long to book a motel room in Page, Arizona (which is close to both Antelope Canyon and the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area), and ended up paying more than $160 per night for a dingy room at a Rodeway Inn. I was NOT happy about that.

Food tips for your USA road trip

1. DO take a cooler with you.

Not only will a cooler ensure that you always have enough water to keep yourself hydrated, but having a cooler can also be a great way to cut down on food costs – keep snacks or sandwich-making materials inside, and you won’t have to pay for as many meals.

2. DON'T expect to eat healthy

Even with a cooler in the trunk, chances are you’ll still be eating out a lot. If you travel like my sister and I did, with never more than 2 nights in one city, cooking for yourself will probably be the last thing you’ll want to do after a long day of driving.

Plus, it’s often difficult to say no to the delicious regional foods you’ll find along the way, regardless of how fattening they are.

Navajo Taco
Navajo Taco in Monument Valley

Safety tips for a US road trip

Staying safe on the road is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when considering a road trip, but it’s so important. Here are a few essential safety tips.

1. DO get your car checked out beforehand

This might be trickier if you’re renting a car, but if you’re taking your own or borrowing one from someone you know, do yourself a favor and get a tune-up before you leave. Get your tires, oil, and fluids checked, and make sure everything is running as it should.

This of course doesn’t guarantee that you won’t break down, but it helps. Also, be sure to keep an eye on things like tire pressure as you’re traveling, as it can help you get better gas mileage.

2. DO learn how to change a tire

You may not need the knowledge (and you may have AAA to bail you out), but it’s always a good idea to know how to change a tire if your only mode of transport for weeks is going to be a car.

3. DON'T forget your travel insurance

For any major trip (and especially one where you're going to be driving through unfamiliar territory), I always recommend purchasing travel insurance.

If you rent a car (or drive your own), your car should be covered in case of an accident. But what about all the other things that could potentially happen to YOU? I recommend World Nomads for basic (and really affordable) travel insurance – because you just never know!

Road Trip
Be nice to your ride!

4. DON'T forget the extra water

Dehydration is not a joke, and can be a very real threat if you’re traveling out West during the summer. Always have extra water (in that cooler!), because you never know when you might break down, or decide that you want to go on a long hike.

5. DO let someone know where you plan to be every night

This might be more applicable for females road tripping together, but is a good idea for everyone. If possible, let someone back home know your basic route, and check in with them whenever possible. This way, if something happens, the chances of you being featured on that “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” show will be much less!

6. DON'T pick up questionable hitchhikers

Hitchhiking isn’t as popular in the U.S. as it is in some other countries, but people do still do it. If you’re comfortable giving people a ride, fine, but just keep your wits about you. My sister and I were reminded of this when, while driving through Oklahoma, we kept seeing signs warning us not to stop for hitchers since the highway was very close to a correctional facility…

Miscellaneous road trip tips

1. DO be aware of the impact you're having on the environment and the places you visit

Basically, don’t be a jerk. If you’re camping, clean up after yourself. If you’re visiting a site that asks you not to walk on something, respect that request.

And bear in mind that, even though all Americans share the same citizenship, that doesn’t mean that we all share the same beliefs, values, or way of life.

And lastly…

2. DO have a blast!

Road trips are one of the best ways to really get to know a country, and this is exceptionally true when it comes to America.

Monument Valley, Uath

US road trip itineraries

Need some road trip inspiration? Here are some detailed road trip itineraries for road trips I've taken:

What to Pack for a USA road trip

The clothing and other odds and ends you pack for your road trip will of course depend on where you're going at at what time of year. But there are definitely a handful of things I highly recommend bringing:

  • Physical maps, like the Rand McNally Road Atlas – because there definitely will be times when your smartphone won't get any signal!
  • A cooler so you can stock up on cold water and snacks.
  • Something to use as a trash can to keep your car tidy.
  • A guide book (or two) that you can flip through along the way.
  • A guide to campgrounds across America.
  • An emergency kit to keep in your car – just in case.
  • A power bank so you can easily charge electronics while you're in the car.
  • A small bluetooth speaker to use when your radio signal cuts out.
  • A sun hat and other forms of sun protection, because you'll definitely need it!
  • Bug spray for those humid parts of the country.
  • A quick-dry towel in case you decide on a quick swim or get caught in a rain storm.

See my full road trip packing list here: USA Road Trip Essentials: What to Pack for a US Road Trip

Have you ever road tripped across America? If not, is it something you plan to do someday?

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"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to." - JRR Tolkien

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212 Comments on “DOs and DON’Ts for Your First US Road Trip

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  1. Great! While this is another good idea for long drives, Pull over, walk around the car, grab a snack or a cup of coffee, or take a nice walk down the road. I like to give myself an extra hour of driving time, so I know I can make at least a few stops along the way. Thanks!

      Yes, allowing some extra time so you can stop and stretch your legs is always a good idea!

    Thanks for sharing such valuable tips. Our online community is actually benefiting a lot from them, as we have referenced and guided them to read this article. Really excited for being to share this with our members and readers!

    When sharing the road with large trucks, be aware of their blind spots. If you can’t see the truck driver in his or her mirrors, then the truck driver can’t see you.Thanks for sharing!

      Yes, always an important tip to remember when driving on highways!

    My wife and I are planning to drive to Phoenix AZ fro Toronto Ontario Canada. We would like to know what places (cities/towns) along the route is not recommended to stay to sleep. We are going thru Chicago, St Louis, Oklahoma, Albuquerque & Arizona.

      I haven’t driven that exact route, but I don’t really have any specific places that I *wouldn’t* recommend. Especially if you’re mostly just going to be sleeping there. 🙂

      I really like Chicago, St. Louis is cool, and Oklahoma City is worth stopping in. As for Albuquerque, I would recommend stopping in Santa Fe instead if you can, just because Santa Fe is such a pretty city!

    Thanks for all the great tips! How do I access your playlist though? Thanks 🙂

      I don’t have a playlist to share, I’m afraid!

    “Don’t pick up questionable hitch hikers” It’s usually the charismatic and clean cut ones who are the sociopaths. You don’t have to travel paranoid but its by far best not to pick up ANY hitch hikers. Great web site and info.

      There are some situations where I’d feel comfortable picking up hitchhikers, but it’s obviously something you have to trust your gut on!

    Do: Take extra

    This goes for food, money, and especially water. Plan how much you think you’ll need of everything, then take a little bit more, if you possibly can. Taking a few extra bags of crisps may prove to be a lifesaver – not literally, but you know what we mean. And water literally could be a lifesaver! (Sorry to mention it twice, but it really does bear repeating.)

    Don’t: Choose your driving partner(s) on a whim

    Just met someone who you think is awesome? That’s great – don’t go on a road trip with them. You need to know that you can handle being in your buddy’s company pretty much constantly, for a long period of time. Lifelong friend, or sibling? Yes. Guy you met in a bar last week? Maybe not. The experience may end your friendship before it’s begun.

    Hi Amanda,
    This is a great write up and very helpful. My wife and I are about to embark on our epic 3 week roadtrip accross America in February. What makes it even more interesting for us is that I am from Australia so we drive on the Right hand side of the car! Im sure it will be a challenge but we can’t wait! I have ordered the Rand McNally Atlas as suggested and invested in a GPS with a dash cam built in.. I’m sure it will be my new best friend whilst driving. We are driving from LA to Vegas, Show Low in Arizona, Albequerque, Oklahoma City, Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, Memphis, Nashville, Lexington in Kentucky, Pittsburgh, Washington DC. We hand the car back here and bus it to New York before flying back to LA then fly home.. We have friends in Show Low, Fort Leonard Wood and Kentucky! I have it all planned and all accomodation is booked and paid for and most sight seeing things are paid already aswell (Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, Vegas Helicoptor flight, tour guide in LA, etc… We are excited.. Only 37 days to go.. Thanks again for a great helpful tip list!

    Tony & Rina

      Happy to be able to help, Tony. It sounds like a great trip (though make sure you bring warm clothes for the east coast!). Driving on the other side of the road will feel really strange at first, but I can say from experience that you get used to it really quickly!

    My sister and I are planning a road trip through America and Canada, spending 4 months. We are looking at possibly picking up an escape campervan in SF. We are planning to travel up the west coast (stopping in at Lake Tahoe for 4th July ) to Canada (as far out as Calgary) were we would spend 2 or 3 weeks before making our way back into America zigzagging the Midwest to KS over to AR, TN, WV, to ME. From ME we were thinking of driving down the East Coast stopping regularly until we reached Jacksonville FL, from there onto AL, LA, Dallas TX, Carlsbad Caverns NM, back to Amarillo TX, across to Santa Fe NM, then on to Flagstaff, the Grand Canyon, horseshoe bend, Las Vegas then Los Angeles CA, eventually to Yosemite and back to SF. We are not too big on seeing the cities, more of the country small towns and national/state Parks.
    Mostly I guess we are asking would you think that this is possible in that time frame?
    Thanks in advance!

      If you have 4 months to travel, I definitely think you can fit that all in. My sister and I drove to Las Vegas and back (from Ohio), and only took 3 weeks while still stopping to see everything we wanted.

    I love road side attractions like the big Santa Claus! They give you a chance to stretch your legs and your imagination as some of them are quite quirky! We seek them out nearby whenever we travel. A fun on in Austin, Texas is called the Cathedral of Junk. It is an artistic creation of 60-1oo (even the artist isn’t sure exactly how much) TONS of random stuff. It is crazy and cool and a must see if you are in the Austin area!!!

      I’ll definitely add that to my list for when I eventually make it to Austin!

    Great post, thanks! My friend and I (2 females from Scotland!) are planning a road trip across America in Oct 2017. We plan to start off in NYC, then train down to Washington D.C., where we’ll pick up the hire car. We plan on finishing up in San Fransisco and definitely want to visit New Mexico, Grand Canyon and Las Vegas along the way.
    We’ve not quite figured out where to visit on the places in between, any tips?
    All suggestions will be gratefully received 🙂
    Best wishes,
    Laura and Sarah

      Oh man, there are so many amazing places to visit! A lot of it will depend on the route you take (north, south, or across the middle). Some of my favorite road trip stops are listed here:

      Utah is possibly the most beautiful state out West, and I would definitely make time to visit at least a couple of the national parks there:

    Your right its better to do research before you go in one place.

    Hello Amanda,
    How are you!? I’m from Brazil and planning to arrive on Miami on September and start a roadtrip from Florida to California. My main concern is to make it low budget and if it’s a good idea to take this trip alone.

    I’ve found, and you may already know, an amazing site/app called “”. According to the site, I should spend about 49 hours driving for 3k miles. Do you think it is possible to do it in 2 weeks and 1,5k of budget?!

    I know it’s hard to ask for some specific details, but is always good to get some experienced advices. As you may’ve noticed, my english is not very good, think I’ll struggle with the different accents on the way.

    Thanks in advance!

      I haven’t done that specific route, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you whether the time estimate is good or now. But it should be. My sister and I did a trip from Ohio to las Vegas and back (about 6600 miles) in 21 days, and with a budget of about $1500 each. So $1500 for just you might be a little low, but it depends where you’ll be staying.

    I just discovered this blog and I absolutely love it! A group of my friends and I are planning a big East Coast roadie this summer and you gave a lot of awesome tips that we didn’t even think of! I can’t wait to put them to use as we take off this summer. 🙂

      So glad you found this useful, Elizabeth! Road trips in the US are so fun – I hope you and your friends have an amazing time!

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