7 Things That Surprised Me About Traveling in Egypt (and One That Didn’t)

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Ever since I was a little kid, I've dreamt about traveling to Egypt.

The ancient Egypt sections of my history classes were always my favorite. I could always pinpoint where the country was on the giant map of Africa when I watched “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego.” And I still to this day will watch “The Mummy” (the original one!) anytime it's on TV.

Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt

But Egypt has had a rough last decade.

I was working as a newspaper editor in 2011 during the Arab Spring, and was reading stories daily about uprisings and revolutions. It all started in Tunisia, but spread to multiple nations in northern Africa – including Egypt. And, for quite a few years afterwards, Egypt just didn't seem like a safe place to travel.

But if I've learned anything from traveling the world, it's that the news media makes most places sound a lot scarier than they actually are.

Feluccas on the Nile River in Aswan, Egypt
Nothing scary about these feluccas on the Nile in Aswan.

Many tour companies did indeed suspend operations in Egypt following the revolution; not many people were going there from 2012-2015. But things are changing. Tourism still isn't anywhere near what it was pre-2011 in Egypt, but visitors are starting to come back each year in larger and larger numbers. (And yes of course the pandemic put a halt to tourism growth in Egypt, but I think it's poised to continue growing in 2022 and beyond!)

Long story short: right now is an excellent time to visit Egypt.

Middle Pyramid in Giza
Look! Hardly any crowds at the pyramids!

With a trip to the Seychelles already planned and not wanting to spend so much time on a plane to just stay in the area for one week, I decide to go for it, and booked a 12-day tour of Egypt with Intrepid Travel. I knew Egypt wasn't somewhere I wanted to travel 100% solo, and I've had great experiences traveling with Intrepid in the past.

I've written separately about the tour itself, but now I want to talk a little about Egypt and the things that surprised me about traveling there. Chances are some of these will surprise you, too!

7 Things That Surprised Me About Egypt Travel

1. It's not as dangerous as you think it is

The first question people asked me when I returned from this trip was: Is it safe to travel to Egypt?

I know Egypt isn't regarded as one of the safest places to travel right now (and if you read the US State Department's past travel warnings about Egypt, you'll probably be convinced that ISIS will come for you if you step foot in the country). And it's true that terrorist groups are still active in certain parts of the country.

But the main touristy sites in Egypt are no more dangerous than popular places you might visit in the US or Europe. There's a strong military presence at most major sites in Egypt – armed guards, metal detectors, and bag checks become second nature as you visit temples and museums – but I didn't find myself feeling “in danger” at any point.

The Great Temple of Abu Simbel
No danger felt in Abu Simbel.

There are certain parts of Egypt that are no-gos right now, but they aren't places that most tourists would go anyway. (In fact, all tour operators in Egypt have modified many of their itineraries to ensure that they're not taking anyone to any of these places.)

Yes, there have been recent terror attacks in Egypt that have claimed lives – but there have been terror attacks in places like London and Las Vegas and New Zealand in recent years that have been deadly, too. 

I'm not saying Egypt is 100% safe because that guarantee can't be made about ANY destination in the world. But I am saying that it's safer for tourists than you probably think.

Mosque in Alexandria, Egypt

I was surprised at how at-ease I felt the entire time in Egypt. I wasn't even concerned about pickpockets in most places, which can't be said about every country I've visited!

2. The kids especially are incredibly friendly

I expected to get some extra attention as a white, non-Muslim woman traveling in Egypt. But what I didn't expect was that I would become an instant celebrity every time I walked outside!

At many major sites (especially in Cairo and Alexandria), me and my tour mates were constantly being approached by young Egyptians (and occasionally older ones!) asking us for selfies.

With some Egyptian girls in Alexandria
Selfie with some Egyptian girls in Alexandria. They kept telling me how pretty I was and asking me about Washington, DC. They were so sweet!

I was confused by this at first (“we don't look THAT different!” I kept saying), but our guide explained that it's a cool badge of honor right now in Egypt to take a photo with a tourist. Tourism numbers have been so low in Egypt in the past few years that people are excited to see more visitors now.

Once I learned this, I started asking for selfies back in return!

3. Cairo is chaos incarnate

I knew Cairo was a big, bustling city. But what I didn't really realize before I got there was that the city of 19.5 million is essentially chaos incarnate.

Traffic is INSANE. No one uses the painted lanes on the roads. Horns are constantly honking. People jump in and out of old VW buses in the middle of the road. And that road is being shared by everything from cars to buses to donkey carts.

Cairo, Egypt
Crazy Cairo. Photo taken by one of my tour mates from our mini bus!

Adding to the chaos is all the dust/sand (Egypt is essentially a big desert, after all) and the smog. I visited Egypt at the beginning of winter, and most mornings began with a thick, murky fog spread out over Cairo.

This is something to keep in mind if you're planning to visit the Pyramids in Giza, because it means that there's a chance you may have to plan your visit around the visibility – on some days you can't see the pyramids at all!

4. The food in Egypt is unique and tasty

You'll find a lot of traditionally Middle-Eastern foods in Egypt (like falafel and shawarma and kofta), and also some Moroccan dishes like tagine. But Egypt's take is always a little unique – I noticed a lot of cinnamon in many dishes I tried!

If you're looking to try a unique Egyptian dish, go for a bowl of Kushari (or Koshary). It's a mixture of rice, pasta, lentils, and chickpeas, topped with onion and a tomato sauce. It's known as the national dish of Egypt, and can be had extremely cheaply (think less than $1 USD for a bowl).

Kushari in Egypt
Kushari in Cairo

Other things you can try in Egypt include camel and stuffed pigeon – it's common here to raise pigeons for meat like you would chickens.

5. Tipping is expected – for everything

Sorry all my non-American friends, but you're going to have to get used to tipping for everything when you travel in Egypt. Often referred to as “baksheesh,” you'll be asked to tip for everything from a porter bringing your bag to your hotel room to someone handing you a paper towel in the bathroom.

In some instances you won't be given a choice (for example, don't expect to use the toilet – even at the airport – without paying at least 2 or 3 Egyptian pounds), while in other cases a tip won't be explicitly asked for but will still be expected.

Felucca in Aswan, Egypt

It does get a bit annoying being constantly asked for money, but remind yourself that the amounts are incredibly small (5 Egyptian pounds is only 30 cents USD) and that many people in Egypt don't make a living wage.

My advice is to always have some small Egyptian bills or coins on your person, or come prepared with fresh $1 bills from home.

6. All the ancient sites are 10x better in real life

The constant need to tip is more than made up for by the fact that all the ancient sites you'll visit in Egypt – all the tombs and temples and ruins – are 10 times better in person than they are in any photos or documentaries you've seen.

Seriously. Egypt's history is incredible, and so much of it has been preserved!

THIS is why you travel to Egypt.

Pyramid in Giza, Egypt
Pyramids in Giza
The Great Temple of Abu Simbel
The Great Temple of Abu Simbel

You'll see temples that are thousands of years old that still have paint on them; mummies of pharaohs that you read about in history books; tombs with walls that look like they were carved just yesterday.

Tomb of Ramses IV in the Valley of the Kings
Inside the tomb of Ramses IV
Original paint at Madinat Habu Temple
This paint at Madinat Habu Temple is original, guys!

If you've put off visiting Egypt, don't put it off any longer. Its treasures are even more impressive in person.

RELATED: 8 of the Best Ancient Sites to See in Egypt

7. Egypt is so much better with a guide

Lastly, I think Egypt is definitely a place to visit with a local guide. I know many people prefer to travel independently, but this is a country where you get a lot more out of the experience when you have someone with you who is knowledgable about the history, the religion, and the present-day culture of the country.

Madinat Habu Temple in Luxor, Egypt
He could tell us what all these scenes mean!

Like I mentioned before, I booked an Egypt tour with Intrepid Travel (this one, in case you're interested), who always employ local guides as their tour leaders.

Our tour leader was a local from Alexandria who's studied not only Egyptology but also various languages. He could read hieroglyphics, tell us all the best places to eat, organize extra side trips people wanted to take, and let us know how not to get ripped off when buying souvenirs.

Guide Ahmed in Egypt
Our tour leader, Ahmed, showing us around the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Plus, it was great to be able to talk to someone who's lived his whole life in Egypt and has such a passion for showing his country to other people.

If you're unsure about traveling to Egypt, definitely go on a tour. (Read my full review here.)

Interested in booking a tour in Egypt?

These are the two tours I recommend:

Or you can combine Egypt and Jordan in this 15-day trip.

One thing that didn't surprise me about traveling in Egypt

It's not the Western world

Even though many Western tourists visit Egypt, it's important to remember that Egypt is not a Western country. Egypt is both part of the Middle-East and North Africa, too, and our guide kept reminding us “we're not a first-world country here, guys.

The Nile River in Luxor
If you look closely, you can see all the litter in the Nile.

So what does this mean as far as traveling? Well, expect that “5-star” accommodations in Egypt won't be like 5-star accommodations in Europe. Things will be done at a slower pace. You WILL be confronted with poverty, garbage on the streets, and sometimes animal neglect (definitely think twice before riding a camel or using a horse carriage).

You can also expect to be hassled by vendors at all the major tourist sites. You often have to say no and just keep walking – but know that they'll follow you for a while anyway trying to sell you that scarf or hat or scarab carving.

Camel in Egypt
(And take sneaky camel photos – you'll be asked for money for just taking pictures, too!)

But I'm not telling you any of this to scare you off! I just think it's important to go in with appropriate expectations. You can't travel to Egypt expecting it to be just like a trip to Germany or Australia – but that's kind of half the fun!

Egypt is unlike anywhere else I've traveled thus far, and I'm so glad I went.

READ NEXT: Can I Wear Capris in Egypt? (A Complete Egypt Packing Guide for Women)

What do you think? Is Egypt somewhere you'd like to travel?

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89 Comments on “7 Things That Surprised Me About Traveling in Egypt (and One That Didn’t)

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  1. I was in Egypt 33 years ago on my honeymoon. I’ve never experience such a beautiful city. rich in history, trip like this does not come often and I would love to go back one more time. I could not believe to seen with my own eyes the pyramids of Giza, Take a cruise for the Nile river for a week and be where Moses was found. that is amazing !!!!! Egypt definitely I will return again.

    Dang- Egypt? Never been there! It’s not like I’m an Egyptian girl that is sitting in her room typing this right now! Yes, I am that girl. I just coincidentally found this article while searching for something, and I thought it would be funny to read it, I do realize this was 3 years ago, but i am still happy you enjoyed visiting my homeland! I’ve spent most of my life in another country, (hence my extremely fluent English) so when I returned to live with my family here in Egypt around 2 years ago, even i felt like I was just visiting! Again, I’m glad you had a fun time when you were here! I also wanted to say that baksheesh is actually literally translated to ‘change'(like coins) but some people just use it to say ‘tips’

    Good article, now I want to visit Egypt!

    Just info south Sinai is a very safe zone the only safety issue is north sinai on med sea

    Thank you So much!!! You answered so many of my questions. I feel better prepared for my trip to Egypt now.!

    Excellent article, a lot of great info. We’re planning to go next fall and we’re already excited! Definitely saving this article. And it’s nice to see a fellow Ohioan!

    I am happy that you posted this because in my class we are doing a brochure about Egypt and he said make it have things that will attract tourists and make them want to make a tour about Egypt. ????❤

    Hey Amanda, I like how insightful this article is, and above all how it shows what to expect in Egypt, however as an Egyptian travel blogger based in Egypt, let me clarify that north Sinai is the part that is facing unrest, but the southern part is just heaven on earth and is very safe to go, namely; Dahab, Nuweibaa, Sharm El-Sheikh, St. Catherine, Taba, & El-Tor. As for the western desert, I was in Bahariya Oasis in 2016 with a Danish and an American girls and there were no troubles at all, I’ve also been to Siwa in 2015 & 2016, and regularly go to southern Sinai; swim, hike, dive, etc.
    One more thing eating camels isn’t very common in Egypt, we eat pigeons, ducks, rabbits and tons of weird parts of animals, hehe

      Thanks for clarifying that! I think the point is that *most* of the places tourists would want to visit in Egypt are perfectly safe right now.

    Been to Egypt 7 times since 2001 and never felt in danger. Like you stated there are bad places everywhere in the world. Having a
    good guide will keep you away from the bad spots. I will say that most guides want to steer you to a certain jewelry shop or other shop. Insist they don’t and inform them that their tip amounts depends on how this is treated.. One trip we were abandoned til my sister bought something (guide’s tip was almost nothing). Since then on 45 more trips we’ve used the same guide who doesn’t do this. He will take you shopping if you ask. I plan on going back for the Grand Egyptian Museum when it opens. Will use the same guide again. He is Amhed with Amazing Global Travel. I’ve gone with small group of 17 to 2 people ( the best is max 4)

      Glad to hear you’ve had similarly positive experiences!

    Thank you for all your information about travel in Egypt, it explained everything I had question about. I am going in October, and it has always been my number one travel spot on my bucket list. I will be sure to share your information with my travel buddy.

    Thanks for this post! I can’t imagine how breathtaking it would be to see such historical sites in real life. Like, hard to even comprehend! Also that kushari looks amazing…

    xx maddy

      It was definitely amazing to see all these things in person!

    I am so glad you had a great time in Egypt. Completely agree about the kids being so friendly. I once witnessed a child going up to a tourist asking if she can touch the tourist’s blonde hair because she had never seen ‘yellow hair’ before 🙂

      That doesn’t surprise me at all! I was worried that I would get negative attention in Egypt, but most of it (and especially from the kids) was friendly and positive.

    Thanks for this great write up on Egypt. Speaking of being from a small town, I’m just a small town Pennsylvania boy. I leave July 9th for over two weeks and will be visiting all these places including the Sinai Peninsula. I’m traveling with a friend from Cairo. I’m so excited as this is one of the most exotic places I’ve ever traveled.

      I hope you have a great time, Shawn! And traveling with a local friend will make the trip even better, I’m sure.

    I’m from Egypt and I so happy for your trip I wish u come again …

    I intend to go there in September — mainly to see the historical sights — but the gossip about the perils had me a bit concerned.

    Thankfully, any tinge of insecurity has been washed away after I read your post.

    I’d traveled to Cambodia to see the temples last year & look forward to my visit to Egypt being an equally rewarding experience!

      Glad to hear that! I had a wonderful time in Egypt.

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