An Adventure on the Emerald River

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Picture-perfect cities with dragon bridges and castles. Fairy-tale-like lakes. And now a body of water known as the “Emerald River.”

If I hadn't spent a week there myself, I would be convinced that Slovenia was no more than an imaginary country. Because, on paper, the place does sort of sound too good to be true. But, luckily for me (and for you), Slovenia is very, very real — and every bit as amazing as you've heard.


As I was doing some research into this little European nation, I kept coming across mentions of a full-day trip into Slovenia's Triglav National Park. The trip — called the “Emerald River Adventure” — had rave reviews written about it online. And so, when the Slovenia Tourist Board said I could swap one of my days in Bled for said adventure, I jumped at the chance.

The Emerald River Adventure is a jam-packed 12-hour tour offered by outdoor adventure specialists 3glav Adventures. Complete with hiking in the mountains, swimming in waterfalls, and optional white water rafting on the Emerald River itself, this adventure really is a must-do in Slovenia. In fact, it was one of my favorite things I did in Europe this summer.

Soča River, Slovenia

Emerald River Adventure in Slovenia

The adventure started bright and early in Bled — around 8 a.m., in fact, when I was picked up from my B&B by our guide. This trip can accommodate up to 16 people, but there were only 8 of us aboard that day — a perfect number. Once we had everybody, we immediately headed for Triglav National Park. This is Slovenia's only national park, and is home to Mount Triglav, the country's highest peak (standing at 9,393 feet).

Triglav National Park, Slovenia
Driving into Triglav

The morning was spent navigating twisty mountain roads and doing a few short hikes in the Julian Alps. I'm not the biggest fan of hiking, but these treks were manageable — no longer than 45 minutes, and with some truly stunning scenery. We weren't blessed with a sunny morning, but the clouds and cooler temperatures were perfect for what we were doing.

Jasna Lake, Slovenia
At Jasna Lake
Julian Alps, Slovenia
Can you spot the face?
Julian Alps, Slovenia
Hiking on the Vrsic Mountain Pass in the Julian Alps

After a few easy hikes and a bit more driving, it was then time to visit the mouth of the Soča River — an 86-mile-long river that flows through western Slovenia. This is the river known as “The Emerald River” because of it's blue-green color, which we would get to know intimately later in the day. For now, though, we were off to visit the izvir Soce, or “spring of the Soča.”

Our guide warned us that this hike would be the most “technical” of the day, but we had no idea that “technical” actually meant that we would have to channel our inner mountain goats.

Mouth of Soča, Slovenia
Up we go! (Photo taken by our guide.)
Mouth of Soča, Slovenia
That wire was all we had to hold onto… (Photo taken by our guide.)

It was actually VERY fun skirting cliffs while clinging to wires embedded in the rock faces, though. But I couldn't help thinking about how something like this would NEVER fly in the U.S.

Mouth of Soča, Slovenia
It's a long way to fall…
Mouth of Soča, Slovenia
We made it, though! (Photo taken by our guide.)

After getting our adrenaline pumping, we then stopped for lunch in Bovec to recharge before the next activity — white water rafting. Over the course of lunch, the sun came out and the temperatures rose, offering up perfect conditions for some outdoor adventure.

I've been white water rafting before, so I more or less knew what to expect. Except that rafting the Soča is quite different from rafting other rivers. First of all, the water color is UNREAL. And second of all, the water is FREEZING year-round. We had to wear thick wet suits and deal with numb appendages for the hour or so that we were on the water. But it was SO worth it.

Soča River, Slovenia
(Photo taken by our guide.)
Soča River, Slovenia
And we're off! (Photo taken by our guide.)
Soča River, Slovenia
Look at that setting! (Photo taken by our guide.)

Our rafting guide was laid-back and lots of fun — typical of Slovenians, I was learning. He had us playing games (like standing on the edges of the boat and bouncing until one half of us fell in), tackling rapids backwards and sideways, and jumping in the river to float in the current every now and then.

About halfway through our rafting, we stopped to do some cliff jumping and to use our raft as a giant bouncy slide into the river. The rapids weren't very challenging, but the overall experience was so much fun.

Soča River, Slovenia
(Photo taken by our guide.)
Soča River, Slovenia
Understand now why it's called the “Emerald River”? (Photo taken by our guide.)

I don't think any of us were ready for our rafting stint to be over, but it soon was. But we weren't done with the water activities just yet.

Our next stop was the Slap Kozjak near Kobarid, a waterfall where we had the chance to swim in yet more frigid water.

Kozjak Waterfall, Slovenia

This was followed by a stop at a 12-meter-high bridge above the Soča that we could jump off. As much as I love throwing myself off things, this was not one I wanted to try. Only one brave soul in our group took the plunge — and he ended up with a bloody nose for his bravery.

The view from said bridge.

After getting dried off and changed, the next part of the adventure involved a ride on the Car Train. This is exactly what it sounds like — a train made for cars. The car train transports cars through the mountains, reducing the time it takes to get from Point A to Point B. The ride was just under 45 minutes (half the time it would have taken to drive) and we spent it dancing to music in our seats, taking silly photos, and just enjoying the ride.

Car Train, Slovenia
Free beers on the car train. (Photo taken by our guide.)

Car Train, Slovenia

We got off the train in Bohinjska Bistrica, just in time to catch the sun setting behind the mountains at tranquil Lake Bohinj. It was the perfect way to end our adventure.

Lake Bohinj, Slovenia

Lake Bohinj, Slovenia

I can't stress enough how amazing this day was. I would do it all again if given the chance, and would recommend the Emerald River Adventure to anyone looking for some outdoor fun in Slovenia.

Jasna Lake, Slovenia
Our group. (Photo taken by our guide.)

If You Go…

Want to book this tour yourself? Here's what you need to know:

  • Location: Tours run daily from Bled, Slovenia
  • Length: Tours last roughly 12 hours (8 a.m.-8 p.m., give or take)
  • Price: 80 Euro for the Emerald River Adventure + 35 Euro to add optional rafting on the Soča
  • What's included: Transport (including the car train), a professional guide, celebratory beers on the car train, and a photo CD of pictures your guide takes throughout the day (mine came with 140 photos on it)
  • Book here: Emerald River Adventure

Emerald River Adventure, Slovenia

What do you think? Is this an adventure YOU would like to have in Slovenia?


*Note: Big thanks to the Slovenia Tourist Board for helping set this up, and to 3glav Adventures for offering me a complimentary Emerald River Adventure. As always, though, all opinions are my own.

"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to." - JRR Tolkien

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36 Comments on “An Adventure on the Emerald River

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  1. Thank you for such a great run down of the day- I’ve booked to do this when I visit Lake Bled next month and am positively beside myself with excitement. I loved reading about/seeing what’s in store for us!

      It’s a really great tour! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    […] spent about a week traveling through Slovenia this summer, and by far one of the highlights was the Emerald River Adventure day trip I took from Bled. This trip had us whitewater rafting on the Soca River, swimming in […]

    This looks and sounds amazing. Great scenery, fun looking hiking, exciting rafting. Sounds like a great day, and one I would love to try if I ever get over there. Thanks for the inspiration Amanda 😉

      It was definitely the most memorable day I had in Slovenia!

    Those are awesome pictures. I never knew Slovenia was so beautiful. I don’t think I know anyone that’s ever been there. Hopefully I can make it there some time.

      It is definitely a gorgeous country. And I have a feeling you’ll start hearing about many more people going there soon!

    The whole day looks so random, I love it! Totally something I would do, when I ever make it to Slovenia:-).

    (I too always comment on safety regulations in other countries, or lack there of, compared to the US)

      Quite random, but SO FUN!

      (And yeah, I always notice the safety stuff, too!)

    I just landed a press trip to Slovenia next spring and this made me REALLY excited!!! 🙂

      YAY! Congrats! If you have the option of doing this day trip, definitely do it!!

    I am seriously envious of you! Ever since I went to Slovenia, I’ve had it in my mind that I would love to spend 3 months backpacking/exploring the country. I hope to do it one day. This is EXACTLY the type of thing I would love to do when I go. I’ve seen Mt Triglav from a distance but this trip would be awesome. Just when I thought I was over being envious, you had to go and post something like this 🙂

      Well, I hope you get the chance to do that Slovenia trip soon, Jeremy! You would LOVE a tour like this, too – plenty of gorgeous Slovenian scenery with a bit of adventure thrown in!

    Oh my goodness my heart is racing just from seeing photos of you scaling those cliff edges holding onto those wires! That must have been absolutely amazing, thanks for sharing those great photos.

      It WAS absolutely amazing!! Climbing to the river mouth was definitely a little precarious at times, but it was fun!

    Wow now that is a REAL adventure!!!!! Incredible! And the color of that river is just breathtaking!

      You don’t find water that color just anywhere! Definitely a very special place.

    I have only heard fantastic things about Slovenia!! Your pictures were wonderful and the adventure sounds fantastic. But if I wasn’t convinced I needed to visit, your last pictures sealed the deal.

      You’ve only heard fantastic things about Slovenia, because there are only fantastic things to say about it! I’m glad I’ve convinced you to add it to your list!

    I’ve heard such good things about this day trip, I’ve just got to get myself to Slovenia! How do they get away with having such blue waters yet Switzerland gets all the credit?

      Good question, Caitlyn! I think Slovenia has mostly flown under the radar as far as European destinations go. But I have a feeling that will be changing!

    I love the photo of the sunset! This looks like an incredible tour, and Slovenia looks like a crazy beautiful place.

      “Crazy beautiful” is a perfect phrase to describe Slovenia!

    So many faces in the rocks. What an excellent tour offering mass diversity in gorgeous environments.

      Yes, if you want a whole lot of exposure to the outdoors in Slovenia, this is a MUST-DO!

    UH-mazing! This, I definitely have to and want to do! The water looks so inviting I’d purposely fall off despite its freezing temperature! That waterfall looks just as beautiful! It reminds me of this lake my friend and I stumbled upon in Croatia in a tiny island.

      If you ever get the chance, definitely DO THIS! It’s amazing.

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