Tips for Visiting Yosemite National Park in One Day

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“Among them are killers.”

This is what the first Caucasians to visit Yosemite Valley were told upon descending into the granite valley in 1851. Except the Sierra Miwok phrase actually came outย “yohhe'meti,” and was referring to theย Ahwahneechee people who were populating the valley at the time.

The name, however violent, stuck.

Today, Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular national parks in America, playing host to 3.7 million tourists per year. Landscape lovers come to Yosemite for its steep granite cliffs and domes — and serious rock climbers come for the same reason.

Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

I've been to a good number of national parks and monuments by now, and Yosemite is definitely one of the most awe-inspiring I've seen.

Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park

But what if you have only one day to explore the best of Yosemite?

It's certainly not ideal, but it's exactly the situation I found myself in on my first visit to this beautiful park. Here's everything you need to know about visiting Yosemite in one day.

When to visit Yosemite

Yosemite is open to visitors year-round, however heavy snowfall in the winter often means that many of the roads through the park are closed during the snowy months.ย High season is generally from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and, while the weather is warm and all the roads are open during the summer, these months are also the busiest.

If you can, do what I did — visit just before or after high season. I visited in early May, just after all the roads had reopened, but before all the park tours and shuttles started operating. It worked out perfectly, since a lower-than-usual amount of snowfall meant that I visited during the peak water flow for all of Yosemite's waterfalls.

Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Falls

If you have to visit during the summer, be sure to get into the park as early as possible to get a jump on the crowds.

What to see in Yosemite in one day

Yosemite is a huge park — it covers a total of 761,268 acres of forest and mountain. Most visitors focus on Yosemite Valley, which makes the park seem a bit more manageable.

Yosemite Valley

Start your visit with a Ranger-led tour of the Valley. These 2-hour tours will set you back $25, but at least you know your money will be going back into the park. The tours are extremely educational, and the open-topped tram you ride in is perfect for taking photos of the Valley's famous rock formations like the Cathedral Rocks and El Capitan.

Yosemite National Park

El Capitan, Yosemite National Park
El Capitan

Our guide, Ranger Brian, shared all sorts of trivia with us about the park as we stopped at breathtaking viewpoints and rode through sun-dappled forest. He told us about how Galen Clark first “discovered” the Giant Sequoias in Yosemite, and championed protecting the park back in the 1850s. Thanks to Clark's efforts, Abraham Lincoln signed an Act of Congress in 1864 that protected Yosemite and turned it over to the State of California.

Tunnel View, Yosemite National Park

It's amazing to think that, in the middle of the Civil War, this one corner of the wilderness was deemed special enough to warrant protecting. Yosemite may not have been the first national park in the world (that designation goes to Yellowstone), but it was the first bit of land set aside exclusively for recreation.

Valley View, Yosemite National Park

And, for the record, John Muir, father of national parks, loved Yosemite just as much as Yellowstone.

Yosemite Falls

You'll see these Falls on your tour of the Valley, but be sure to take some time to get up close on your own. You can easily hike to the bottom of Lower Yosemite Falls in 10 minutes — well worth a detour.

Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park

Lower Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park

Glacier Point

During high season, tours go to other parts of the park besides the Valley. When I visited, however, nothing else was offered. So my friends and I asked Ranger Brian what else he suggested we do with our day. He told us to either go up toย Tuolumne Meadows, or drive up to Glacier Point.

We chose the latter, and I highly, highly recommend it.

Yes, it's a long, twisty drive up the mountain (it takes roughly an hour from the Valley Floor), but it is SO worth it.

Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

From Glacier Point, you get a fantastic view of Half Dome, as well as of Nevada Falls and the Valley Floor far, far below.

Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

Nevada Falls, Yosemite National Park
Nevada Falls

Mariposa Grove

Even though many people associate Yosemite with Half Dome and Tunnel View, there's one other part of the park that is a must-see: Mariposa Grove.

Mariposa Grove

Another hour's drive from Glacier Point, Mariposa Grove is home to a large number of ancient Giant Sequoia trees. While you can do a tram tour here, too, in the summer, my suggestion is to just go it on your own and hike among these giants at your own pace.

Marvel at how big around these trees are, and be fascinated by the fact that their sap actually acts as a natural fire-repellant.

Mariposa Grove

If you're pressed for time, some of the coolest trees can be reached within half an hour or 45 minutes on the trail.

Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park

What to bring

For a day trip to Yosemite in the warmer months, be sure to wear sunscreen, bring plenty of water (you will be at higher elevation, remember!), and wear layers. The Valley floor can be chilly in the morning, but can heat up quickly in the afternoon. And don't forget the good walking shoes!

Some of my favorite gear for a day trip like this includes:

Yosemite National Park

Where to stay in Yosemite

If you're planning to stay overnight in the park, be aware that you'll need to make reservations for a campsite, heated tent, or hotel room months in advance, regardless of the time of year that you'll be visiting.

A better bet is probably to book accommodation NEAR the park – like in Mariposa, Wawona, El Portal, Yosemite West, or Fish Camp. Some very well-reviewed hotels include:

Compare Yosemite hotel prices here.

Half Dome, Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

Ifย you decide to camp within the park, do NOT bring food with you if you think you might forget to put it in a bear-safe container. While there are no grizzlies to worry about (they've been extinct in California for decades), black bears are a real concern and have excellent noses.

Book your Yosemite accommodation:

How to get around Yosemite

Once you're in the park — especially if it's during high season — park your car in a lot near the Visitor Center, and hop on the free Yosemite shuttles that traverse the Valley Floor and beyond. This is definitely the most stress-free way to get around the Valley Floor.

Yosemite National Park

The best Yosemite day tours

Are you interested in visiting Yosemite but don't have a car? There are day trips you can take from nearby towns, or even from San Francisco! Here are some of the best Yosemite day trips:

Now, I'm definitely not suggesting to only spend one day in Yosemite. There are tons of great hikes to tackle, and plenty of nature to enjoy beyond just the must-see sights. But, if one day is all you have, hopefully this post has given you an idea of what you can accomplish.

If you want to see more photos from this amazing park, check out my Yosemite photo essay.

Useful guides:

Have you ever visited Yosemite National Park? If not, is it one your list?


Yosemite National Park in one day


"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to." - JRR Tolkien

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52 Comments on “Tips for Visiting Yosemite National Park in One Day

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  1. My first view of the valley from Glacier Point nearly reduced me to tears. I could have spent all day up there. I can’t remember a more amazing viewpoint anywhere in the US. (New Zealand, however, has a few to rival it!)

      Glacier Point was amazing. I could have definitely stayed up there for hours!

    cool post – I’ve been driving myself crazy with plans on what to visit this summer in the US, and I think it’s safe to say that I will visit Yosemite. I plan to rent a car in Vegas, then drive the 6 hours (I’m insane, I know) there and bask in the glory of the park….from there maybe I’m heading north towards Oregon!

      It’s definitely worth a visit if you’re able to make it there!

    Obviously more time is best, but it seems like you can see A LOT of Yosemite in just one day! Great for folks who are road tripping or didn’t make a reservation months in advance. Ouch. =/

      Yes, of course it would be ideal if you had multiple days… but, like you said, if you’re roadtripping or didn’t plan in advance, you CAN see a lot of the park in just one day. And what I didn’t add in the post was that my friends and I had 6 hours of driving on top of being in the park that day (we drove from near San Francisco), so don’t let anyone say you can’t see anything in Yosemite in a day!

    Excellent tips & great photos!!!! Don’t forget that you can take a photography class while you’re there also and pretend that you’re Ansel Adams. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Yes, thanks for mentioning that! That would definitely be fun if you had some more time.

    Awesome tips! I love going into national parks in the off-season months! We were at Grand Canyon in the beginning of May and it was blissful! Btw, thanks for the tips re: Grand Canyon! I really wanted to visit the North Rim, as you suggested. Unfortunately it was still closed when we were there. Ah well, I guess it’s an excuse to go there again ๐Ÿ™‚

      If the weather allows for off-season visits, I think that’s definitely the time to see national parks. Though, I realize that’s not always possible (I myself visited the Grand Canyon in the high season).


    This park looks breathtaking, I really hope to visit it one day. Thanks for the tips!

      It is definitely breathtaking. Hopefully you can make it there someday!

    Wow, breathtaking. I haven’t been to Yosemite – I’ve done Yellowstone and a lot of parks in Canada’s West. It is (especially after this post!) on my list…but essentially everything is on my list. Haha. Great tips – I hope when I get there I have more than a day, but good to know it’s still worth it if you don’t.

      Yellowstone is now at the top of my list, I think. And I’d love to go back to Yosemite, too, to spend more time there!

        THank you for this. I am going for most of a day April 7th. What will the weather be like then and will the roads be open and the Valley Floor Tram available? Thanks.

          Hi Laura. Since I’m not a park service employee, I’m not sure! You should be able to find more info about road closures on Yosemite’s website. As for the weather, it will likely still be pretty chilly in April – be sure to check the weather forecast before you leave so you can pack accordingly!

    Amazing photos Amanda. I have yet to visit the West Coast and the whole SF-LA stretch is very high on my list, including Yosemite. Gorgeous scenery!

      I think my next trip to California will have to include driving the PCH between SF and LA. I think that would be fun.

    Wow this looks absolutely stunning! Some great tips here on how to see it in One Day. I hate being stuck in that situation but sometimes you just have to make due right? ANd clearly you saw A LOT in just ONE day! I can’t wait to make it here some day!

      Yup, sometimes you just have to work with what you’ve got! I know there are some people who would tell you to not even bother going to Yosemite if you only had a day. But here’s proof that you actually CAN see a lot in just one day! Totally worth it if you ask me.

    Thanks for these tips Amanda. I loved the one day overview of Yosemite. I don’t care much for all the crowds so you really did go at the right time of year. I think I could spend days there. Yosemite is beautiful and worth the price of admission.

    One word about John Muir. I don’t think people really understand what his life was really about and how much of it he dedicated in painstaking detail because due his love of nature. I wrote a post dedicated to John Muir called “Thank you John Muir.”

    Anyone who loves the beauty of Yosemite should thank him for all the work he did and his tireless work to advocate the preservation of our natural wonders.

      John Muir was an amazing, amazing man. And I agree that most people have no idea just how MUCH he did to help protect some of the amazing places we have in this country. We owe him a lot!

      I’m glad you liked my one-day overview. Obviously spending more than a day is ideal, but I’m definitely a “work with what you’ve got” type of traveler, and I’m really glad I got to get a glimpse of Yosemite! It was amazing.

        Protect from what? if Yosemite didn’t get the publicity of being a national park it’d probably be wide open to come see with no park entrance fees, campgrounds, trash, and the wildlife would still be wild. If Muir really loved Yosemite he would have kept it a secret

          Or it could have been deforested or sold to developers who would have built homes and hotels… there are lots of positives about protecting national wonders. (Though I’m sure he never anticipated that our national parks would be as popular as they are now!)

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