RTW Diaries: Southeast Asia in the Rearview
Things have been quieter than usual around here since just after New Year's. And there's a good reason for that: I've been traveling around...
RTW Diaries: A Confession, A Change of Plans
Have you ever dreamed about doing something for a really long time, only to finally try it and find out that you don't love...
RTW Diaries: Month Three
That's right, another month of travel already wrapped up and tucked away in my memory. People often tell you that time goes by faster...
RTW Diaries: Month Two
Another month, another travel round-up for you! Since you seemed to enjoy my RTW Month One summary so much, I figured I should continue the...
5 Reasons Solo Travel Sucks
Okay, so I know that I occasionally publish posts on my blog about how awesome it is to travel solo. And it's true that...
RTW Diaries: Month One
Holy crap, I've been traveling for a whole month already! There were times when it felt like it was going by very slowly. But...