5 Things to Love About Sighisoara, Romania

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Where I come from, places like Sighisoara just simply do not exist.

Ancient churches, a walled town center, thousands of years of history… you just don't find that in the United States.

Which is perhaps why I enjoyed my two days in Sighisoara, Romania so much.

Sighisoara, Romania

Sighisoara is a small city in the Transylvania region of Romania, with a history dating back to the 1100s. Back then, the Hungarian king was begging Saxons to move to this part of the world in order to help defend his borders. German craftsmen and artisans took him up on it, and what resulted is today a fairy-tale-like fortified city in the heart of Romania.

It's no wonder this whole place is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

With cobbled streets, colorful buildings, and a pedestrian-friendly Old Town, it's difficult not to fall in love with Sighisoara. Yes, it's a touristy place. And yes, it can feel a bit crowded in the summer. But it's still well worth a visit.


5 things to love about Sighisoara

So why did I enjoy this little city so much? Here are just five reasons.

1. The colorful streets

Sighisoara is INCREDIBLY colorful. It's like a box of tropical-colored crayons just exploded all over the town, with bright oranges and yellows and pinks standing out on every street.






Even the windows and doors here are colorful (or at the very least interesting):





2. The size

Sighisoara's walled Old Town consists of roughly 3 main streets — meaning you can easily explore the whole place on foot in one afternoon without any trouble.


3. The historical connections

Along with being an old Saxon city, Sighisoara also has another claim to fame: being the birthplace of Vlad III (also known as Vlad Tepes, Vlad the Impaler, and Vlad Dracula). Vlad's father was ruler of nearby Wallachia, but was in exile in Transylvania when Vlad was born.

Vlad's birthplace is still there, marked with a placard and now home to a very kitschy restaurant called “Casa Dracula.”


A bust of Vlad


In more recent history, Prince Charles has visited the town quite a few times and stayed here:


Sighisoara also has a handful of really good museums dedicated to its history, which include the museum in the Clock Tower, and a torture museum right next door.

4. The views

Climbing up the Clock Tower is an absolute must in Sighisoara! It will cost you next to nothing, and the views are beautiful. Parts of this building date back to the 14th century, and I'm sure you can understand why it was built — as a lookout point over the city walls.

View from the Clock Tower



5. The gems among the rubbish

Sighisoara IS a touristy town. Meaning you'll find plenty of kitschy tourist shops all selling the same magnets and Dracula t-shirts. But, if you dig a little deeper, you CAN find some wonderful gems here.

If it's hand-made crafts you're looking for, check out the gallery inside the International Cafe. Here, a family of woodworkers and their friends produce and sell hand-carved wooden products and unique ceramics.



The must-dos in Sighisoara

If you find yourself in this little Romanian city, it may at first seem like there's not a whole lot to do. But you can easily fill a day or so here checking out the following:

  • The Clock Tower, which not only has great views, but also a neat little museum inside.
  • The Church on the Hill (which you walk up to via a cool Covered Staircase), which is an old Gothic-style church. Also check out the nearby German graveyard. Unlike Merry Cemetery, this graveyard IS a bit overgrown and solemn, but it's alright for a quiet stroll.
  • The Church of the Dominican Monastery (and it's cool organ), which is centuries old.
  • The Torture Museum and Weapon Museum also both come highly recommended.


Where to stay in Sighisoara

Sighisoara isn't a town you need multiple days to explore, but I do recommend at least staying one night.

The top-rated hotel in Sighisoara is the Georgius Krauss House, while Hotel Central Park has a great central location.

You can check out more Sighisoara accommodation here.

What do you think of Sighisoara after this quick photo tour?


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5 reasons to visit Sighisoara, Romania


*Note: Intrepid Travel graciously provided me with a complimentary 18-day tour through Eastern Europe. But all opinions, as always, are entirely my own.

If you're interested in doing the same tour I did, you can check it out here.

Explore Eastern Europe tour

"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to." - JRR Tolkien

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92 Comments on “5 Things to Love About Sighisoara, Romania

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  1. […] in Transylvania, Brasov was settled by the German Saxons in the 1100s (much like Sighisoara) as a favor to King Geza II of Hungary. At that time, Transylvania bordered the Hungarian empire, […]

    Gorgeous pictures – we are there in a few weeks and so looking forward to it all. By the way what camera did you use to take the pictures?

      Ooo, I am envious! I love this city!

      And I’m currently shooting with an Olympus E-PM1, which is a small micro 4/3 camera.

    Amazing photos! I live in Romania, and I recently visited Sighisoara, and it was stunning. Although tourism here isn’t that developed, we do have some amazing places worth visiting and it fills me with joy seeing foreign tourists visiting Romania and leaving with such a good impression 🙂

      I don’t know that anyone could visit Romania and NOT really love it (well, as long as they see things beyond Bucharest!). You are lucky to call an hidden gem home!

    Lovely photos, looks an amazing place to visit, might have to add it to our 100 places to visit before you die.

      You definitely should! It’s a place most people haven’t even heard of!

    Congratulations for the amazing photos! I must say that Sighisoara as well as the entire Transylvania has a special place in our hearts (Romanians). This town is famous for its authentic traditions and for the status of one of the best preserved (and still inhabited) citadels in Europe. As for Draula, come on, we all know this is a myth, why everyone keeps talking about it? Bram Stoker’s novel was inspired by the Romanian ruler Vlad the Impaler, but there’s nothing more than that.

      Thanks, Miruna! I can easily understand why Sighisoara holds a special place in the hearts of Romanians. It’s definitely a special place!


    I must remember that name! Love those colors, architecture, and overall vibe I can sense through the photos. Hmm, never thought of Romania as a place I *really* wanted to visit…until now!

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    – Maria Alexandra

      Get yourself to Romania, girl! It’s a really cool country! And Sighisoara is amazing.

    Wow, Amanda…just WOW! I’m heading to Romania next year and was wondering whether or not to go to Sighisoara. Now it’s a DEFINITE yes. I’m in love with the colours. So much colour! It looks like it’s straight out of a storybook. Those views are absolutely stunning, too.

    Really enjoying your Romania posts on here – so glad I found your blog! I don’t know what took me so long :O

      Awesome! I think you’ll really like Sighisoara. Yes, it’s kind of kitschy and touristy. But it’s SO pretty that it’s easy to overlook all that! Not to mention that it’s touristy without being super expensive… bonus!

    You travel through my backyard and don’t send a mail 🙂

    Another place I really want to visit. Your photos are fantastic!

      Thanks, Andrea! Be sure to add this to your Romania itinerary whenever you go!

    Wow I have to say this is not the Romania I expected to see, it is so colourful. I can see why you loved it.

      None of Romania was really what I expected to see… it blew me away!

    Awesome. You’re pictures are beautiful. I am definitely adding Romania to the travel to-do list!

    Such a beautiful country! I haven’t been there yet, although I have spent a year in hungary in a student exchange program, but I’ve missed Romania. The next time, I won’t miss it, your pics are beautiful!

      Definitely do not miss it next time! I LOVED Romania.

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