In Photos: Bonaventure Cemetery

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It may seem a bit macabre to say that I find cemeteries beautiful. But, macabre or not, it's true — cemeteries can be just as serenely pretty as they are somber. And Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia, is no exception.

In fact, this 160-acre cemetery on a bluff overlooking the Wilmington River may be one of the most beautiful cemeteries that I have ever seen. With Spanish-moss-draped trees, aging marble headstones, and weathered statuary, it's not surprising that Bonaventure Cemetery has captured the imaginations of everyone from poets to filmmakers throughout the past century.

According to the Bonaventure Historical Society, this cemetery is also historically significant “as a reflection of changing views on death and dying in the Victorian era. As death became more romanticized and ritualized during this period, cemeteries became lush, beautiful ‘cities of the dead.'”

“City of the Dead.” A haunting phrase, but one that I think describes Bonaventure perfectly.

Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah
Bonaventure Cemetery Savannah

All of these photos were taken in the oldest sections of the cemetery — towards the back, closest to the river. (If you go yourself, stop in at the visitor's center and ask for a map before you drive or walk around.)

Visiting Bonaventure Cemetery would probably be my top suggestion if you're planning to go to Savannah.

Do YOU visit cemeteries when you travel? Which is your favorite photo in this bunch?

"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to." - JRR Tolkien

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42 Comments on “In Photos: Bonaventure Cemetery

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  1. some incredible photos

      Thanks! It sounds weird, but I love this cemetery! It’s so beautiful.

    I’m blessed to live in Savannah and love visiting cemeteries, so as you can imagine, Bonaventure Cemetery is my favorite place here. When friends ask for recommendations of what to see/do when they visit, this is always tops on my list. The best time to see it is in the April/May timeframe when the azaleas are blooming. It is absolutely gorgeous!

      Ooo, I bet it would be beautiful there in the spring! (And, even though I’m not from Savannah, Boneventure is nevertheless one of my top suggestions for people now, too!)

    I loved your article and all of your gorgeous photography! My favorite photo is the girl with her chin to her face holding a wreath with the Spanish moss draping behind her. I was fortunate to have visited Bonaventure just last month & my husband and I just loved it! We thought it was amazing and gorgeous! I am visiting Oxford, Ms again soon and will go to William Faulkner gravesite in another beautiful Victorian era cemetery. Thanks so much for posting this great photos! Enjoy your travels!

      It really is a special place, isn’t it? Glad to hear that you and your husband enjoyed it, too.

    THOSE TREES! OMG I love the South! <3

      I know, right?!? The big old oaks with Spanish moss… just perfection.

    That’s one beautiful cemetery indeed. Your pictures are simply awesome.

      Thank you! I had an awesome time taking photos there.

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