My Favorite Architecture in Dunedin, New Zealand

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Dunedin may be best known for being home to Otago University and Baldwin Street, the steepest street in the world. But there's much more to the little south island New Zealand city than that. I think what struck me most about Dunedin was the beautiful buildings scattered around downtown.

Here are a few of my favorites.

The Coolest Architecture in Dunedin, New Zealand

The Dunedin Railway Station is one of the most iconic buildings on New Zealand's south island. The architect, George Troup, was forever known as “Gingerbread George” after designing this beauty, which was built in the early 1900s.

Dunedin's Town Hall building, located in The Octagon (a giant city square, except that it has 8 sides), is pretty impressive. It was built in 1880, but has been redesigned and restored a few times, most recently in 1989.

Right next to Town Hall stands St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral. The church opened in 1919, and is said to have the only stone-vaulted nave in New Zealand. I love the Gothic style and the rounded doorway.

I'm not actually sure what this building's official name is… but I love it. It appears to be home to The Star, Dunedin's local newspaper.

Lastly, this building may well be my favorite. Or, at least, it's tied with the Railway Station: First Presbyterian Church. This gorgeous Gothic church took 6 years to build, and opened for worship in 1873. Its spire reaches 54 meters into the sky, and can be seen from almost anywhere in Dunedin.

Have you visited Dunedin? If so, did you fall in love with the architecture like I did?


"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might get swept off to." - JRR Tolkien

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7 Comments on “My Favorite Architecture in Dunedin, New Zealand

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  1. I love your pics..They are sister and i are traveling throughout new zealand for 3 weeks, starting in Dunedin and gradually moving our way up toward auckland. what should we do there? we have a tight budget, but there is a little money to spend on something amazing because we are staying with friends. what are some things we can’t miss?

      Thank you! Hopefully you enjoy Dunedin! So you’re in NZ for 3 weeks? There’s a TON of stuff you should do! I’ll shoot you an e-mail with some suggestions.

    OMG these buildings are amazing!

      Aren’t they though? There were so many gorgeous buildings in Dunedin! I didn’t even get to see them all.

    Dunedin is my favorite “city” on the South Island. Since I didn’t like CHC that much, I wasn’t expecting much from DUN, but I was pleasantly surprised how much I loved it! When day dreaming about moving back to NZ, DUN is now my top choice:-).

    Great pictures!

      I love how you sort of have to put “city” in quotes. Dunedin surprised me, too! I wasn’t expecting such a pretty place. I may possibly be more in love with Queenstown as far as south island towns go, but I don’t think I could live there year-round. But, when it comes down to it, I’m a Welly girl, through and through!

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